Friday, January 10, 2014

The Room

The Room (R)
Grade: D-
  • Directed by: Tommy Wiseau
  • Produced by: Tommy Wiseau
  • Screenplay by: Tommy Wiseau
  • Starring: Tommy Wiseau (Johnny), Greg Sestero (Mark), Juliette Daniel (Lisa), Philip Haldiman (Denny)
  • Cinematographer: Todd Barron
  • Music by: Mladen Milicevic
  • Distributed by: Wiseau Films
  • Released: June 27, 2003
  • Running Time: 99 minutes/1 hour and 39 minutes
  • Language: English


Everyone has a moment in their life when they say WTF?!  Sometimes it can be said for something positive, but more than likely, it's said for something negative, which was the case for me, when I first heard and saw the film "The Room" by Tommy Wiseau.  The first time I saw it, I was with my friend Danny, who hyped it up as one of the greatest films of all-time, and said it was so bad, that it was good.  I could tell he was being humorous/sarcastic from his tone of voice, but naturally, I was intrigued since I saw the trailer, which was ridiculous to say the least.  After seeing it though, it's safe to say I was blown away by this film, and not in a good way.

I'd try to describe the plot of this film, but it's so inconsistent and poorly written that it makes no difference if I mention anything about it.  All I will say, is that there's a guy named Johnny who loves his girlfriend Lisa, but she's really manipulative, and cheating on him with one of his closest friends.  Add a drug bust, breast cancer, and people playing football in tuxedos and you have "The Room", whatever that is.  It's an independent romantic comedy/film, but most of the time while watching it, I question how it even got made, or if it's really a film.

There's not many redeeming qualities of the film besides that fact that it's funny.  And even after watching it twice, I'm still not sure if that's because the lines are actually that funny, or if I'm laughing because of how ridiculous it is.  It's negatives include the actors, the screenplay, the fake background in most of the scenes, as well as the music in the film that is borderline criminal.  It's so bad in sex scenes and other scenes, that it made me contemplate muting the whole film, which looking back, wouldn't have been the worse thing in the world.

Despite everything negative I've said about "The Room", I recommend that everyone see it at least once.  Why?  One reason is for my friend Danny, who vouches that the film is a classic.  Another reason why you should see it is just to experience how terrible a film can really be.  I don't know if it's as bad as 'Freddy Got Fingered" or "Gigli", but it will make you appreciate films you like or dislike even more.  Lastly, I think you should watch the film just to see a filmmaker at work.  Tommy Wiseau made a crap film, but he directed, produced, and wrote wrote the entire film with his control, showing the type of auteur he is.  I don't like this film at all, but I have to respect that he made the film his way.  And if you love films like I do, you just have to see it to say you did.  It'll change your life.

I posted "The Room" trailer here, just to give you guys a peak of this film's ridiculousness

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